Meet Julie – Mobility & Accessibility Consultant

About Motion - 4 Min Read

Meet Julie – Mobility & Accessibility Consultant

Julie has spent over two decades in the mobility space. She shares how Motion offers a working environment with continuous learning opportunities and a sense of fulfillment.

What drew you to Motion?

I have a background in Kinesiology and was working at a physiotherapy clinic; the opportunity to join Motion and apply that experience in wheelchair sales and fittings was an exciting career move. It enabled me to continue working directly with clients, ensuring they have the device that fits their needs and empowering them to live their best life. Throughout my career I’ve been presented with opportunities to move into management, but I’m passionate about staying hands-on. Knowing that I’m making a difference in someone’s life is both professionally and personally rewarding.

What is unique about the learning opportunities at Motion?

As one of the leading providers for mobility and accessibility devices in Canada, we have multiple exciting opportunities for growth and development. Working at a highly reputable company translates to an incredible amount of exposure. We have partners in the industry providing us with training on their devices; and government contracts that demand our ongoing training and top-tier industry knowledge. 

Motion fosters an incredibly supportive environment for that learning; providing training, mentorship, and guidance. The client-facing work we do at Motion requires a great deal of knowledge and the ability to apply that practically. It’s tactile skills development that can only be learned by doing it. At the moment, anything that can be learned virtually is taught or demonstrated that way through our online classroom environment. But, as an essential service, we have been open and safely interacting with clients face-to-face while following strict health and safety guidelines, so that hands-on aspect has continued. 

I’m personally committed to supporting new and existing team members in any way I can. I always ask people if they need help or support from me; I want to ensure people have what they need.

How have Motion’s safety measures protected staff during the pandemic?

Many of the clients we work with have compromised immune systems, and we have a responsibility to provide the safest environment we can for them. At Motion, this started with providing a safe environment for our people. That’s due to the rapid action the company took on implementing screening, distancing, reducing traffic, and providing a steady supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer. There was very open communication on the processes we needed to follow and the requirement not to come in if we felt unwell. As a result, we haven’t had any COVID-19 cases in our location to date. 

Why else should someone join Motion?

In Hamilton, we are working out of a new building that’s centrally located. It’s light and bright, with a lot of space to work in comfortably and safely. We’re a fun and supportive team – but that’s not unique to my location; that’s a culture we foster at Motion. With locations across five provinces, there is room to transfer to another area if your life needs change and a move is required. We have professional systems, field experts, and training to further your growth. Every person at Motion is driven by the desire to help our clients. At the end of every day, you will go home knowing you made a difference in someone’s life.

If you are interested in joining our team please visit our Careers page and view our current opportunities across Canada.

This material does not constitute medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a physician for specific treatment recommendations.